Imagine, if you will, that we are gathered here around a fire in a forest glade. Gathered in community and celebration. You look around the circle and see many faces, some you may already know, others are unfamiliar. We are gathered to share stories, to share our gifts and wisdom, to encourage and inspire. Each person is invited in turn to offer what is theirs to offer while the rest of us sit and listen, drinking in the tales and images spun.
So then, gathered here are folk who have been or are still my teachers; folk who whose arts and craft inspires me; folk whose gifts are soul-full and heartfelt. Some are dear friends, others I have never met in person but their presence in my life has been transformative. I invite you see whose offerings call you and to follow your intuition. Someone here may have just the wisdom you need.
Michelle Elliott, a true hearted wyse woman bringing the Old Ways to the waste land of the modern world and whose magick is as potent and beautiful as she is herself.
Naomi Cornock, a beautiful, soul-full woman whose art is truly astounding and deeply magickal, and powerful.
Hannah Willow, a warm hearted and beautiful woman whose exquisite and glorious art praises the natural world and its magickal beings.
Shiloh Sophia and Intentional Creativity: and amazingly encouraging and gracious guide who founded this soul-full, inspiring and intelligent global art movement focused on curating consciousness through creativity.
Susannah and Ya'Acov Darling Khan, soul-full, warm-hearted, deeply grounded and inspiring creators of Movement Medicine, a body based movement meditation practice that has been a saving grace recently.
Azul Thome: a beautiful soul whose exquisite art overflows with warmth, fierce love and respect for the World and who guides people into deep relationship with the Earth.
Carolyn Hillyer: Dartmoor based artist and musician whose work is intimately connected to the Land and whose voice speaks the ancient wisdom learnt from it.
Kate Joyner: an elemental force of Nature, a guide to the mysteries of Soul, creatrix of the Dancing Serpent Mystery School and a beautiful soul.
Alison J Adamson: a deeply soul-full woman whose creations and work bring both joy and healing to others and whose care for the natural world suffuse her work.
Derek Gane: a deeply connected man whose grounded wisdom and skills have birthed a wonderful centre dedicated shamanic education and conscious living.
Jo Thilwind: an artist of exquisite work, a humane and caring woman whose actions come from the heart, and a wyse woman of the old ways.
Wendy Winstanley: a magickal drumsmith and founder of Ravenswell a charity supporting Cornish Wildlife, is a wise and warm delight.
Sue Weaver: a soul-full elder whose beauty and wisdom shine through all she does and who works crystal magick.
Diana Lee: a wise elder and compassionate herbalist whose calm presence and patience are healing in themselves.
Elayne Bines: a wyse woman of beautiful heart whose wealth of knowledge, shared generously, of the Goddess, ancient history/herstory and archaeology is breath-taking

Eileen Ayres: a wonderful, warm and beautiful soul, deeply connected to the natural world, whose artistic skill is stunning and whose art work is exquisite.
Susanna Kirby: a vivacious, warm hearted and deeply caring woman whose psychic abilities and deep intuition are placed in service of Life.
Earth Pathways Diary: a small, green cooperative that produces the most beautiful and inspiring diaries and calendars aimed at inspiring our connection to the Land.
Treesisters: an amazing and truly inspiring organisation founded by Clare Dubois to promote social change and reforestation, inviting us to become a restorer species.
Pachamama Alliance: a wonderful and inspiring organisation whose our programs integrate Indigenous wisdom with modern knowledge to support personal, and collective, transformation .
Gwenllian Thurstan: a documentary film maker and a lovely young woman with an open heart and enquiring mind whose gentle manner can put even the most nervous at ease. I am deeply grateful to her for the video footage on this site.
Brendon Rowan of Ozyris Media: a warm hearted man with great patience and intuitive understanding, without whom this site would not have been built.