We Shall Be Known By The Company We Keep...
“We shall be known by the company we keep
by the ones who circle round to tend these fires
We shall be known by the ones who sow and reap
the seeds of change alive from deep within the earth
It is time now
It is time now that we thrive
It is time we lead ourselves into the well
It is time now, and what a time to be alive
In this great turning we shall learn to lead in love
In this great turning we shall learn to lead in love”
(We Shall Be Known by MaMuse)
In most quest stories the protagonist leaves the town or village and sets off on their journey. They leave what might be viewed as their tribe, the place they belong, but on the path they often meet others who guide, counsel or help their journey. To my mind these are members of their soul tribe, those who guide them to their true belonging. So here I offer an Earth Dreaming Arts view of tribe and invite you to contemplate what this might look like for you.
So often the concept of tribe implies a sense of us versus them. What might be different if we were to feel into the sense of tribe as belonging, as being ‘all of us’, all as in the wider circles of community, counsel and relatedness; human and more than human. There is a story, a legend, that says we are connected from before birth, by an invisible thread, a red thread, to all those we will meet in our life. Imagine this for a moment. Can you see that thread connecting you with those who have come in and gone out of your life? Everyone and everything you encounter being connected? Could this image help to grow and expand our sense of connection and with it an appreciation of our belonging and our responsibility to relationship with all life? Might this sow the seeds of a new way of being, a new tribe, a tribe of real belonging dreamt into being by the Earth?
Earth Dreaming Arts has been born with a desire to tend. nurture and nourish such a sense of wider community. So here I offer you a little of my story, an invitation to consider whether Earth Dreaming Arts, and the work we do here, is for you, whether you might be part of this tribe and an invitation to meet some of the magickal and heart-centred people who have guided, counselled, inspired me and who I feel belong in this wider, Earth honouring, sense of community.
Is Earth Dreaming Arts for you?
My own journey of remembering my creative beingness has revealed much about myself that I had not expected. It has reminded me what is important and what is not.
I have discovered that:
I am a Cauldron Keeper, tending the hearth fires of the ancestors,
I am an Intuitive Artist learning how to be open to the flow of the sacred,
I am a Wild Soul Poet crafting language for the numinous,
I am an Edge Dancer, learning to trust my embodied experience of the liminal lands between the worlds, between light and dark, between knowing and not knowing.
I have learnt I am a weaver and witness in the cosmic dance of life,
Of silence and sound, stillness and motion, being and not.
That dancing in the borderlands, where worlds collide and fear meets love
Can create a bridge of rainbow colours that spans the divide across the unseen and unspoken.
That rooting in the centre,
The still point of your own balance
Is the heart of transformation.
I have learnt that magic is real, and all around us if we can but open our heart eyes,
I have learnt that weaving sacred alchemical space,
Space of deep listening and compassionate attention,
Of humble inquiry and heartfelt prayer,
Coaxes out that which has been longing for being, for form, to be named, seen and heard,
It honours pain and suffering, grief and loss, fear and lack,
It celebrates joy and laughter, love and connection, blessings and abundance,
It invites the wild unfettered soul to come forth
Unleashing vital energies of change,
Of rest,
Of nourishment, and
Fierce love.

All this have I learnt through creating with intention, through embodied listening to the whispers and howls of my inner voice, my Soul voice and if my experience tugs at your Soul, excites your curiosity, tempts your hunger, then I invite you to contact me and I would be honoured to take your hand and share with you the wonder of the magick we all possess and can all access.
I work indoors, online and out on the Land. Should you decide to work with me, I will create a sacred safe space within which you can explore through art, poetry, story, creative imagination and movement what your heart yearns for, what the deep wisdom you carry is and what gifts are yours to offer, for everyone has a gift for which the world longs.
I hope too, that whether or not you decide to work with me, the inspiration and connections you find on this site bless you on your way.
For more information contact me.