A little about me...
My name is Becky Mackeonis and I come from a family of strong Yorkshire women of great integrity and deep faith, and I honour them for infusing my cells with that steadfast strength and for teaching me the most important lesson of all, it is all about LOVE, love and relationship. This is my touchstone. Nor do I forget the honourable men in my family who have taught me the importance of justice and fairness.
We cannot always see clearly though, and there have been times when I have been lost, when I did not honour my creative spirit. In truth I danced as soon as I could walk, and continue to do so, I wrote my first poetry when I was about 5, and as a child I was always making things. Like so many though, I understood early on that what was expected was good grades in school and a good job. I obediently obliged. In doing so I buried myself alive. I qualified as a lawyer, worked in the City and as a government policy advisor. It took a mugging to bring me to my senses! I honour the two young men who knocked me over and stole my bag for giving me the opportunity to reflect on the life I was living, a life that was not mine. I often wonder what happened to them, I can only imagine. It has been a long haul from that to where I am now, and there have been many teachers and teachings that have inspired and guided me along the way. I retrained as a drama and movement therapist working for many years with a variety of clients. Later I also trained as a Shakti Dance teacher and since reconnecting with my own Muse trained as an Intentional Creativity teacher. I have had art and poetry published in the very wonderful Earth Pathways Diary.

Now I live a magickal and colour-full life! I live in North Cornwall with my husband and feline family. Called by the Land itself, who patiently offers lessons in the natural rhythms and cycles of life, in the gift of living in the moment, the magickal wonders that are there before our very eyes if we just slow down and pay attention, the guidance available to us if we but listen. Indeed for me magick is ever present, I see it in the way clouds paint patterns across the sky; in the way the breeze dances with autumn leaves; in the light playing on the rippling waters; in the songs our feathered relations sing to welcome the dawn; in the delicate petals of a flower opening to receive the sun; in the breath of my sleeping cats and in the eyes of my Beloved. This natural magick seeps into my bones and permeates my blood igniting an ecstatic love for the world that has given me life and my relationship with all that is. It whispers to my soul and demands that I create, in praise, in honour, in love, and so I walk the path of Mystery with Love lighting the Way. The Earth dreams me into Being.
Since my practice is sacred to me and is intimately linked to the Earth I live on, I choose to donate 10% of my earnings to causes that resonate with the ethos of Earth Dreaming Arts. In particular I donate to Treesisters and the Pachamama Alliance