In addition to the Prayer Paintings and Wild Soul Sessions, Earth Dreaming Arts runs a variety of one and two day workshops offering the opportunity to experience medicine painting in more depth. The longer workshops enable participants to paint on canvas and create a completed work in the time fame.
Workshops and experiences fall into two categories, those that are scheduled by Earth Dreaming Arts and those that can be created on request.
The following are examples of the types of scheduled workshops offered:
Strong Medicine – Resilience in times of chaos
Earth Dreaming – Opening to the dreams of the Land we inhabit
Wild Soul – Falling in Love with the World
Elemental Encounters – Guardians of the Land
Ripples – You and your actions matter
Web of Connection – You are not alone
Wheel of Life – To love life is to embrace death
This is an example of such workshops

If you wish to enquire about scheduled workshops that are planned, or wish to enquire about a tailored workshop, please contact me.